5590H-TO220 3M (TC) THERMO PAD 5590H TO-220 Thermal Pad Gray 19.05mm x 12.70mm Rectangle Tacky - Both Sides

Part Nnumber
THERMO PAD 5590H TO-220 Thermal Pad Gray 19.05mm x 12.70mm Rectangle Tacky - Both Sides
3M (TC)
Basic price
0,59 EUR

The product with part number 5590H-TO220 (THERMO PAD 5590H TO-220 Thermal Pad Gray 19.05mm x 12.70mm Rectangle Tacky - Both Sides) is from company 3M (TC) and distributed with basic unit price 0,59 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Approx. production time is 21 weeks.

Categories Fans, Thermal Management Thermal - Pads, Sheets Manufacturer 3M (TC) Series 5590H Part Status Active Usage TO-220 Shape Rectangle Outline 19.05mm x 12.70mm Thickness 0.019" (0.500mm) Material Acrylic Elastomer Adhesive Tacky - Both Sides Backing, Carrier - Color Gray Thermal Resistivity 0.46°C/W Thermal Conductivity 3.0 W/m-K

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